
We are learning some really cool things about space in science. First we learned about Newton’s laws of motion. The first law is that an object in motion will stay in motion, objects at rest should stay at rest unless an unbalanced force is acted upon that object. The second law is F=ma, which means that the net force is equal to mass times acceleration. A larger net force acting on an object causes a larger acceleration, and object with a larger mass need more force to accelerate. The third law is for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So, of object A acts a force upon object B, then object B will exert an opposite yet equal force upon object A.

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Then we took a deeper dive into gravity by learning Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. When space is empty, space is flat. But when you put a massive rock into space there is a gravity well which is a hole in space and the more mass that an object has, the deeper the gravity well.

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Then we learned about black holes. Black holes are basically mass that is squished and it gets really hot and eventually it gets so hot and so small that it becomes a black hole and not even light can escape black holes.

From Wikimedia Commons

Then we learned about how big the solar system is by making a scale replica of the solar system by having the sun be a soccer ball. This was 1 meter = 3.97million miles. And I was not expecting to walk very far. 35 minutes later we finally placed Neptune and had to run back and pick up all of our planets that we placed. Turns out I measured it on Google Earth and we walked 0.68km (0.41 miles) to put that into context the sun was the size of a soccer ball (football for all of the other countries’ people reading this. Americans are weird).

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Thanks for reading this blog I hope you learned something new.


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