Adam Gidwitz

Adam Gidwitz is an author who made the A Tale Dark And Grimm series. Even though I haven’t read any of his books, they sound really good and I might read them in the future.

Wikipedia Commons

He just came out with a new book called Max in the House of Spies. This book is about WWII and how he was shipped to England because he was a Jew and his parents didn’t want him killed.

A Tale Dark and Grimm is a bunch of creepy story’s but i dont know a lot about this book. He also wrote another book called The Inquisitor’s Tale. Even though they seem like good books, I’m not to interested in those types of things right now.

I hope you in joyed this blog about Adam Gidwitz’s books!

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3 is an L. Firstly, the turrets on the cars are so op and they should nerf them. Secondly you can die at full shield and full whites by a car running into you.

The only good things about this season are the combat shotgun coming back to the game, the rocket thing that is sorta like the kinetic blade, and the battle pass.

Taken by me

The new map is also really bad because it got rid of my ranked drop spot, Fencing Fields. Then they changed my backup drop spot Snooty Steps to Sandy Steps. If you’re going to change THIS MUCH OF THE MAP, minus we’ll just make a whole new map.

Taken by me

Have to flex my peak rank

I hope you agree that this new season is TRASH and have a good day!


The planetarium was really cool. But first, we had to do the boring part. Walking around touring a college campus named University of North Carolina. There is nothing cool about this. The next part is after lunch, we go inside to some more boring stuff. Just exhibits. Then finally we get to the good part. We finally go into the planetarium. First we see a video on how hard it is to get to mars. There are a lot of problems with getting to mars. One of the most interesting ones was the mental health problems. Then we learned about our night sky and what it would look like that night. And after that we had to go home. By the way after that i was really dehydrated because I didn’t drink enough water.

Taken by my teacher

Thank you for reading this blog!

Tree planting

At school, we went on a field trip to do some community service. On that day we learned about trees. Group A stayed at the school to watch a documentary about trees and how trees live. Group B went on a bus to a tree planting site.

B went on a bus to a tree planting site to plant some trees.I was in group B. So, I went to plant trees first. I forgot to mention that it was raining really hard the night prior so the ground was soaking wet and muddy. From my prospective it was miserable but a good experience at the same time. The itching, muddy ground, and the boring documentary. The good things were the tree planting and sitting with my friends during the documentary.

Taken by my teacher

Thank you for reading this blog.

My Comic

Hello Readers!

This blog is going to be about my comic that I wrote about in Language Arts class. The name of my comic comes from the wisdom tale This Too Shall Pass that is from the Jewish Tradition. The book is about how King Solomon sets his loyal knight on an adventure to find something that make sad people happy and happy people sad. The knight found a person with a ring that said “This Too Shall pass” on it. The knight took the ring back to the king which was happy, then when the king saw the ring he immediately turned sad. The king was surprised on how loyal the knight was.

My comic made by me


Most of us know that Thanksgiving is a holiday in the U.S where people feast on turkey and other foods. It all started when the Pilgrims sailed over to “The New World” ( Modern day U.S) and Met the Native Americans. The native Americans taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn and wheat and other vegetables. Then to celebrate the Pilgrim’s first harvest, the shot off gun shots. The Native Americans thought they were fighting other people. But in fact they were just celebrating their first harvest. And the Pilgrims let the Native Americans stay over for supper.

picture of the Native  Americans and Pilgrims having supper 👇

From Wikimedia Commons

I hope you enjoyed reading about thanksgiving! 🍗



Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day is an International holiday Celebrated around the world. It’s known for all of the valentines that are given out to your classmates girls etc. The holiday takes place on the 14th of February.

Made by me

Alright, time to give you a bit of knowledge about the holiday. Valentine’s Day was started in the 5th century but wasn’t celebrated  as a day of love until the 14th century. But the truth is that we really don’t know when Valentine’s Day actually became a thing these are just guesses.

I’m kind of sad because I didn’t get asked out by my crush. 😭 Maybe next year.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog! Maybe read some of my other blogs by scrolling down? You don’t have to just asking you to.

Fortnite Tier Lists

Alright, let’s do some Fortnite tier lists.

This first one a weapon tier list

Made by me

the next tier list is a skin tier list

Made by me

the third and final tier list is Fortnite Chapter maps

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog! There’s more coming soon so stay tuned.


We are learning some really cool things about space in science. First we learned about Newton’s laws of motion. The first law is that an object in motion will stay in motion, objects at rest should stay at rest unless an unbalanced force is acted upon that object. The second law is F=ma, which means that the net force is equal to mass times acceleration. A larger net force acting on an object causes a larger acceleration, and object with a larger mass need more force to accelerate. The third law is for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So, of object A acts a force upon object B, then object B will exert an opposite yet equal force upon object A.

From Wikimedia Commons

Then we took a deeper dive into gravity by learning Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. When space is empty, space is flat. But when you put a massive rock into space there is a gravity well which is a hole in space and the more mass that an object has, the deeper the gravity well.

From Wikimedia Commons

Then we learned about black holes. Black holes are basically mass that is squished and it gets really hot and eventually it gets so hot and so small that it becomes a black hole and not even light can escape black holes.

From Wikimedia Commons

Then we learned about how big the solar system is by making a scale replica of the solar system by having the sun be a soccer ball. This was 1 meter = 3.97million miles. And I was not expecting to walk very far. 35 minutes later we finally placed Neptune and had to run back and pick up all of our planets that we placed. Turns out I measured it on Google Earth and we walked 0.68km (0.41 miles) to put that into context the sun was the size of a soccer ball (football for all of the other countries’ people reading this. Americans are weird).

From Wikimedia Commons

Thanks for reading this blog I hope you learned something new.


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